Windows process and DLL library -

SpeedUtilities is supercatalog of computer data. It lists processes, DLL libraries, CPUs, services and much more.

Search in processes, DLLs and CPUs:

Windows system processes

Those processes are essential components of WindowsTM operating system: alg.exe csrss.exe ctfmon.exe dllhost.exe dwm.exe explorer.exe internat.exe logonui.exe lsass.exe lsm.exe mdm.exe mstask.exe regsvc.exe rundll32.exe services.exe smss.exe spoolsv.exe svchost.exe winlogon.exe winmgmt.exe wmiexe.exe wmiprvse.exe wpcumi.exe wscntfy.exe wuauclt.exe wudfhost.exe

Today's featured

DLLs (dynamic linked libraries):

btwuiext.resources.dll msctf.dll epnhtx05.dll comms.dll pds.dll tspubwmi.dll wimaxcu_uicustomcontrols.dll FAZdivo.dll icudt36.dll oissq400.dll mskset64.dll D3DRG8X.DLL nwapi32.dll aifplug.dll Mcatpstn.dll encn3260.dll licmgr10.dll iprip.dll GoogleDesktopNetwork3.dll panmap.dll etypemngr.dll nbshell.dll mtxclex.dll icmui.dll trkwks.dll inetcomm.dll wthx162.dll paesslerchart.dll S3_8M.DLL s3mtrio.dll libtime.dll libIGSg.dll msdasql.dll rpshellsearch.dll backuppcfiles.client.proxy.dll arkcmddefrag.dll themepack.drivermanager.dll scieplgn.dll Mpg.dll CNBJDRC.DLL kbdgr1.dll msprivs.dll trbnd.dll w3key.dll odbcconf.dll netlogon.dll ntdsai.dll BINDFILE.DLL shell32.dll FPWPP.DLL


acmonitor_x73.exe (cmonitor_x73.exe amonitor_x73.exe aconitor_x73.exe acmnitor_x73.exe acmoitor_x73.exe )
acmonitor_x83.exe (cmonitor_x83.exe amonitor_x83.exe aconitor_x83.exe acmnitor_x83.exe acmoitor_x83.exe )
acmonitor_x84-x85.exe (cmonitor_x84-x85.exe amonitor_x84-x85.exe aconitor_x84-x85.exe acmnitor_x84-x85.exe acmoitor_x84-x85.exe )
acmonitor_xxx.exe (cmonitor_xxx.exe amonitor_xxx.exe aconitor_xxx.exe acmnitor_xxx.exe acmoitor_xxx.exe )

Top Windows tasks:

svchost.exe csrss.exe rthdcpl.exe spoolsv.exe mrt.exe lsass.exe jqs.exe wmiprvse.exe igfxtray.exe dwm.exe hkcmd.exe msmpeng.exe ekrn.exe wuauclt.exe sfloppy.sys taskmgr.exe alg.exe pnkbstra.exe mom.exe aawservice.exe srvany.exe w3wp.exe smss.exe ping.exe jucheck.exe teatimer.exe ielowutil.exe splwow64.exe sptd.sys cfp.exe ntkrnlpa.exe hidfind.exe consent.exe switchboard.exe werfault.exe trustedinstaller.exe grpconv.exe funshioninstall.exe bservice.exe driver.exe df.exe conhost.exe cli.exe cfpupdat.exe ccsvchst.exe avp.exe avastsvc.exe atiedxx.exe apoint.exe 00thotkey.exe javaw.exe itype.exe iexplore.exe iastor.sys http_ss_win_pro.exe hrfscore.exe hpqtoaster.exe hpdskflt.sys groovemonitor.exe explorer.exe ehtray.exe dw20.exe searchindexer.exe searchfilterhost.exe seaport.exe rundll32.exe ravcpl64.exe perfmon.exe naprdmgr.exe mmc.exe mdm.exe wlkeeper.exe winlogon.exe win.exe update.exe stservice.exe sidebar.exe showwnd.exe msiexec.exe atkkbservice.exe avengine.exe ccevtmgr.exe ctfmon.exe cthelper.exe dmadmin.exe extrac32.exe inetwiz.exe

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