Forum posts for iexplore.exe

invoke iexplore.exe in already launched instance using ShellExecuteEx

I used ShellExecuteEx to call iexplore.exe, Whenever I start the application a new instance of internet explorer is created irrespective of, internet explorer already opened or not.

I want to change this, if already an instance of the Internet explorer is there, I need to open a new tab in that instance with the address I am passing to the ShExecInfo.lpParameters, thus without creating a new window. Is there a way to do this? Please advice..

In the below answer I have a problem, when I set the lpFile parameter as 'iexplore.exe' and lpParameters as '', two windows get opened. If I ignore lpfile parameter, then the below code opens default browsers in some machine. I want only internet explorer to get opened. please help..

int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) {

ShellExecute(0,L'open',L'iexplore.exe', L'',0,SW_SHOWDEFAULT );

ShellExecute(0,L'open', L'iexplore.exe', L'',0,SW_SHOWDEFAULT );

return 0;


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