Forum posts for msdtc.exe

When running odbcad32 as Administrator, machine-wide tracing still not available

I'm running the 64-bit odbcad32.exe on an x64 Windows 2008 R2 (6.1 build 7601 SP1) system. The system does not have UAC enabled (it's an AWS instance, and they default to UAC off).

The ODBC administrator does not think it's running under an Administrator account, even though it's running under the literal Administrator account. No other Admin-only tasks are causing problems.

The issue persists even if I (unecessarily) shift-right-click on the ODBC administrator and choose 'Run as Administrator', or if I run odbcad32.exe from an elevated command prompt.

It doesn't think it's running as Admin:

Machine-wide tracing doesn't seem available:

All the ODBC admin versions seem appropriate:

and I can't find anything useful on MSDN or with a Google search. I'm a bit lost - I have at best moderate Windows server sysadmin skills (I'm a Unix/Linux, C developer type) and I'm not sure where to go from here.


Update: Running the 32-bit ODBC administrator with:


seems to allow access to system DSNs and tracing. Unfortunately I need to trace a 64-bit ODBC process (msdtc.exe, the distributed transaction co-ordinator) as I'm debugging issues with PostgreSQL's pgxalib.dll and MSDTC support.

On Linux I'd do this by simply attaching gdb, or using perf to inject user-space tracepoints, but both of those require source code. Which isn't available for things like the system ODBC implementation or MSDTC on Windows.

Is this a known issue?

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