Forum posts for alg.exe

Could not find system file when it actually exists

Could not find system file when it actually exists - 'c:windowssystem32alg.exe'.

I've moved from Win 7 x86 to x64 recently and when I was on x86 I had no problem with this, tried Delphi 7 & XE2.

Code I'm using:

if FileExists('c:windowssystem32alg.exe') then
ShowMessage('fe') else ShowMessage('fne');

Tried to take ownership of a file + my app with admin privilegies - same issue.

Guys, to check if x64..

function IsWow64Process(Handle:THandle; var IsWow64 : BOOL) : BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';

function IS64 : Boolean;
xIS64 : Bool;
if IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess, xIS64) then
Result := xIS64 else RaiseLastOSError;

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