Forum posts for apache.exe

create a batch to open iexplore and close another process after iexplore is closed

I am trying to create a batch script that will first starts an apache webserver then launches iexplore to a specific page. Now what I would like to happen is when the iexplore window closes it will also kill the apache process.

current batch file code:

tasklist /FI 'IMAGENAME eq apache.exe' 2>NUL | find /I /N 'apache.exe'>NUL
if '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='1' start apache.exe

start /wait iexplore http://localhost:8081/
taskkill /im apache.exe

This works great if I don't currently have any iexplore processes running but if ie is already running it immediately closes apache instead of waiting for IE to close first. Any ideas?

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