Forum posts for explorer.exe

Initialize Desktop (explorer.exe)?

I'm working on an application to create and manage multiple desktops in C# (.NET 3.5) for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. I'm using the desktop related methods from user32.dll to create, open, and close desktops as well as start processes on those desktops.

Everything works great in Windows 7. I simply create the desktop, start explorer.exe as a process on that desktop, and everything works as expected.

However, in Windows 8, starting explorer as a process on the created desktop only yields a blank taskbar and blank desktop background. No processes I start on that desktop will appear on the taskbar either.

Is there a special way explorer.exe must be started in Windows 8 to initialize the desktop and taskbar? Is there another required process to initialize the desktop?

Any help or insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Note: I'm using the full path to explorer.exe (this has been suggested in similar questions).

Here's a project with some code for reference (the Behind the Scenes section is what I'm using)

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