Forum posts for extrac32.exe

Extracting .cab files

I want to extract all .cab files inside a particular folder in c# .net

static int ExtractCabFiles()


Console.WriteLine('Extracting Cab files');
string strCommand = @'extrac32.exe';
var strArrCabDetails = new string[3];
strArrCabDetails[0] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['Cab_Files_Path'];
strArrCabDetails[1] = '/L';
strArrCabDetails[2] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['Event_Files_Folder_Path'];

WriteLog('Cab files path : ' + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['Cab_Files_Path'] + '', false, false);

const string strArgsSeparator = ' ';
string strArgs = string.Join(strArgsSeparator, strArrCabDetails);

Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = strCommand;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = strArgs;
process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
WriteLog('Extract Command : ' + strCommand + ' ' + strArgs + '', false, false);

//string strError = process.StandardError.ReadLine();
iExitCode = process.ExitCode;

catch (Exception ex)


This code will extract a single .cab file but I want to extract multiple .cab files from the folder.

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Extracting .cab files

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