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Return a value from PHP to HTML

I am in the process of creating a website and I am using HTML to create a form for the user to enter information. Once the user enters this information, a PHP program reads the input and sends it to a Python program. This python program creates a user database and then returns the user's unique ID number. However, I am not quite sure how to return the value from Python back to HTML via PHP.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

EDIT (I am adding some code):

The HTML is of the form below. You can see that it calls example.php.

<section id='content'>

<div id='shady bott-27'></div>

<div id='inner clearfix'>
<div id='inner-t'>
<div id='col1'>
<div id='heading'>
<h3 id='Contact' href='#Contact'><strong><span style='color:#87CEEB'>Preliminary Information</span></strong></h3>

<div id='col1-2'>
<form id='contact' method='post' action='example.php'>
<label>Something*</label> <input id='something' type='text' name='something' />

The PHP code is:

$something = $_REQUEST['something'];

$command = 'python /var/www/html/';
$command .= ' '$something' 2>&1';
$pid = popen( $command,'r');
while( !feof( $pid ) )
echo fread($pid, 256);


And finally, the Python code:

def examplepython(something):
#this function creates a new vendor
appID = ....
apiKey = ....
url = ...

ps2 = {'field_1': something}
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Knack-Application-Id': appID,
'X-Knack-REST-API-Key': apiKey

datas = json.dumps(ps2)
req = urllib2.Request(url, datas, headers)

f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, ex:
if ex.fp:
extra =
print '%s' % extra

data = json.loads(
identification = data['id']
print 'Your ID number is: ' + identification

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