Forum posts for start1.exe

Interpret Variable in Powershell { } scriptblock

I have a shell script which should start a .exe in the background:

$strPath = get-location
$block = {& $strPath'storageinstorage.exe' $args}
start-job -scriptblock $block -argumentlist '-f', $strPath'storageconfstorage.conf'

In a preceding Question I found out that I need absolute Paths. However the $strPath variable isn't interpreted, if you look at the command:

PS Q:mlesetl-i_test> .iprog.ps1 --start1
Start Storage

Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
-- ---- ----- ----------- -------- -------
37 Job37 Running True localhost & $strPath'storagei...

How can I fix this?

Edit: I understand I need to pass the path as an argument, and how? Something like:

$block = {& $args[0]'storageinstorage.exe' $args[1] $args[2]}
start-job -scriptblock $block -argumentlist $strPath, '-f', $strPath'storageconfstorage.conf'


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